Sunday, October 5, 2008

Crazy October

We've settled into a routine for now.  Olivia and Jessica both enjoy school and the adjustment has been smooth.  A little too smooth... like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.  And I think that shoe will be the month of October.  Every weekend is filled with parties, playdates, costume planning, etc.  It's total insanity.  Luckily, I finally got Olivia to agree to be Little Red Riding Hood (using a recycled dress from Alice in Wonderland from last year's costume).  Jessica is going to be a leopard.  I found a great deal on ebay (my new guilty pleasure pass time).  A better deal would be to have found Olivia's baby costume, but it has disappeared into the abyss of our attic.  Amid all this chaos, I must remember to brag about Jessie's amazing accomplishments.  She now knows 3 signs (thanks to Miss Zahra at school) and said her first word about a week ago.  It was UH-OH.  She says it a lot now and sometimes even at the right times, like if she drops her cracker or something.  It's really cute.  Olivia is learning a lot too.  We are working on sight words and practicing handwriting.  Here are some photos of relaxing.  They might be the last ones for a while since this fall promises to be a full one.